Information for Appointments in Ann Arbor

Appointment location: 300 North Ingalls Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Parking location: Lot M65

Click below for Google maps.

Heading north on North Ingalls on North Ingalls St., turn right onto Cornwell Place. M65 is the second lot on the right. Look for the M65 Lot sign.

Find a space with a “Research Participant Permit Required” sign, located near the entrance of the parking lot. 

A study staff member will meet you here. They will give you a parking pass to hang on your rear view mirror and ask you to complete a brief Health Screening before entering the building. 

Click below for Google maps.

Heading north on North Ingalls on North Ingalls St., turn right onto Cornwell Place. M65 is the second lot on the right. Look for the M65 Lot sign.

Find a space with a “Research Participant Permit Required” sign, located near the entrance of the parking lot. 

A study staff member will meet you here. They will give you a parking pass to hang on your rear view mirror and ask you to complete a brief Health Screening before entering the building. 

Email or text us at
or call 734-845-9128